Thursday, October 15, 2009

"Climate change" positive effects (lebanese version)

As a participant in the "Blog action day", i'm addressing my fellow Lebanese citizens...maybe through irony and sarcasm, they might get the message ...just maybe .

And i'm very sure that i'll be the only blogger today portraying the positive effects of climate change, thus the irony.

Climate change Effects :

1- in 2040 the death rate of "Rawche's" divers will drop to 0%

2- in 2060, No more spinning around to get to the statue...and a much wider parking space !

3- in 2050, Lebanese will be joining hands to vote for jeita's grotto as one of the underwater beauties (anything that unites us ...right ?!) !

4- in 2045, Lebanese Night Life will reach a new Peak...since day life will become unbearable !

5- in 2070, Lebanon will live in peace, well... mount Lebanon at least, since all the neighboring troublemakers will cease to exist

Et Voila !!!


  1. Gr8 Post...Attracts Anyone...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Very smart! Makes u think. And makes u laugh at the same time. Thumbs up!
